Special offer

Hall rent for event as a compliment

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Special price

Night in Imperial Junior Suite

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Special offer

from 2 nights

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Cpecial offer

For passengers of «Sapsan» and «Allegro» trains

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Welcome to the Official State Hermitage Hotel

Art of the Hospitality

Steep in the atmosphere of grandeur and luxury of tsarist Russia at the Official State Hermitage Hotel which is located in a quiet part of the historic center of Saint Petersburg in a building built in the middle of 19-th century.

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Luxurious accomodation

  • The State Hermitage The State Hermitage – is one of the largest museums in the world. It contains about three million works of art and monuments of world culture. Its complex includes the Winter Palace, the buildings of the Small, the Old and the New Hermitages and the Hermitage Theater. It contains the Menshikov Palace, the eastern wing of the General Staff building, restoration and storage center «Staraya Derevnya» and the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory. The Official Hotel of State Hermitage is another important part of the museum ensemble, a unique project that unites the spheres of culture and business. Visiting
  • The Hermitage opens the doors The State Hermitage sells electronic entrance tickets for visiting the museum by individual visitors. Tickets


In the historical center of Saint Petersburg



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